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All the Big Fish on the following page were caught using Catchalot® Leaders!

Team C.B.F Practices C.P.R. - Catch, Photograph & Release!

Thanksgiving Road Trip!
Texas Coast

There is so much to report I really do not know where to start. I took the day off from work to get a little more time in fishing with the boy down from Lubbock but we did not get an early as expected start due to all the honeydo's but around 5 o'clock we head down Port Aransas Way. We arrived in PA just after dark and headed straight to station street pier. Slack current and too many people forced us to Caldwell pier. High winds and waves sent us to Roberts pier and that is where we decided to give it a try. We could not loose a bait. Plenty of bait being caught but nothing taking our offerings. Around 10:30 we had a run that get stuck on something??? I lost whatever it was but still was stuck. I tugged hard and finally something started to give. Eventually I brought up this 9 ft beast.

It had plenty of leaders but none were mine. We fished until midnight without loosing a bait and decided to head to Kingsville to visit the family. Fast forward --- Eat. Eat! and EAT some MORE!!! Friday morning 7ish we head to the Packary channel we heard so much about. Too Much Grass!! Up the beach we went. Very low tide and we did not see any structure we wanted to fish. Fish Pass Jetties we go. Nice structure but someone was already where we thought it might be good. Off to Roberts pier and Station street without something saying FISH HERE! Around noon we decided to fish Caldwell and to my amazement there was nobody charging to get in. Bait was hard to loose. AGAIN!! Except for these.

Around 4ish my small rod takes off and I catch a 24" blacktip. 20 minutes later another small rod takes off and Anthony catches this 50" blacktip on 20# test line and a mono leader.

We fish there almost until dark and head to Charlie's pasture flats. Now with a good tide coming in I just knew we were going to get into them big time. NOT!!! Fish until midnight and lost baits to the bait stealers but nothing big. On the road again we went. Fin and feather - nothing Con Brown Harbor - Nothing Copano State pier - NOTHING!!! We heard rumors of good drum being caught in Port Lavaca. Around 2ish we stopped and checked a really crowded pier but heard that someone had caught a big drum earlier. We snuck in a corner and set up 3 rods with crab. 3 minutes later this fish was on!!!

Finally hooked up to something we were looking for. Shortly afterwards this one did us the favor.

Twenty minutes later this one fell for a good-sized crab.

Not to long after Albert gets an even bigger fish. ( That PUNK!)

We are starting to have reel fun now! (Pun intended) If you can tell Anthony is nowhere around because he opted to sleep in the truck. Very BAD move. We tried waking him [:D] - REALLY! I could not let Albert get the best of me so I get this monster in on 15# test line.[;)]

Albert looses a fish but I didn't!

We waited 30 minutes or so and Albert gets a run. We thought we had the old he crossed your line routine but I realized that we actually had a DOUBLE!!

With these two fish we decide to head out. Thanks Quint! [;)] It is now 4:30 in the morning and with 20 hours of non-stop fishing we head to High Island to meet up with Jolly Roger as planned earlier in the week. Man I just could not make it that far. Judging by his report we should have gone. We decide to hit Matagorda surf instead. Got down the beach where I fished last week just after daybreak. We set up all the rods and got ready. The tide was falling and things were looking good. Since Anthony had gotten some beauty sleep he was quick enough to beat Albert and I to the bending rod. This nice red was at the end of the line.

I throw the same rod back with crab and 10 minutes later Albert landed this red.

We repeated the process and it was my turn.

3 fish in 20 minutes on the same pole in the same place and all over 40 inches. Go figure? We wait around about 30 minutes catching gafftop then Anthony gets his first big Ugly of the trip.

With this fish we decided we had enough. Anthony was visiting from collage and we had to spend some quality time with the rest of the family. We were back home by noon. Total tally was 12 black drum from 32 to 44 inches, 3 bull reds from 40 to 43 3/4 inches and 2 sharks too just over four feet. I want to thank GOD for giving us the opportunity to fish like this in the GREAT USA!!!

Team C.B.F. scores again!

I thank God for blessings he has given this family!



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